Teddy Bear Sleepover Party

Teddy Bear Sleepover Party
Event Date: 
Thursday, February 10, 2022 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Drop off your Teddy Bear (or other Stuffed Animal) for a sleepover in the library!

We will kick off at 6PM- Bring your Teddy to play, share a story, and decorate a sleeping bag for them! Then leave them for a sleepover in the library with their new Teddy Bear friends! Miss Kerri will be sure to share pictures of all of their adventures that night- she has a lot of fun planned for them! Pick up your Teddy the following Friday or Saturday during library hours, along with some surprises!

Email Miss Kerri at KVardon@biblio.org for more information or register on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teddy-bear-sleepover-tickets-244458240177