2020 Census Update

Please see below & the attached update on the 2020 Census.

Our community benefits the most when the Census counts everyone! Completing the 2020 Census is safe, fast, and easy.
Respond now at 2020census.gov or call 1-844-330-2020.

The U.S. Census Bureau announced that it will send an additional reminder postcard to households that have not yet responded. The postcard is scheduled to arrive between July 22 and July 28, a few weeks before census takers are set to begin visiting most households that have not responded. Households that receive a reminder in the mail after responding may disregard it.

As of July 1, 2020 - The National Self-Response rate is 61.9%, with Connecticut at 65.3% and Beacon Falls at 72.4%. A pat on the back, at a distance, for supporting our goal that everyone is counted.

PDF icon 2020_census_flyer_update.pdf128.84 KB